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Flüssige Aminosäuren

Flüssige Aminosäuren liefern Protein in der am leichtesten verdaulichen, absorbierbaren und verwertbaren Form, um das Muskelwachstum zu maximieren und die Proteinsynthese zu optimieren. Studien zeigen, dass oral eingenommene, peptidgebundene Aminosäuren die Stickstoffretention besser erhöhen als Mischungen aus freien Aminosäuren, was zu optimalem Muskelwachstum führt.

Brand: Nutrend Model: P34032
AMINO POWER LIQUID offers a comprehensive spectrum of amino acids in a liquid form, which enables the fastest possible delivery of amino acids. The product is based on the approved protein hydrolysate PeptoPro, which contains di- and tripeptide casein fractions. Enriched with the amino acids L-argin..
Brand: Nutrend Model: P43309
AMINO POWER LIQUID offers a comprehensive spectrum of amino acids in a liquid form, which enables the fastest possible delivery of amino acids. The product is based on the approved protein hydrolysate PeptoPro, which contains di- and tripeptide casein fractions. Enriched with the amino acids L-argin..
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