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AllDayYouMay, Blueberry Lemonade - 450g

AllDayYouMay, Blueberry Lemonade - 450g
AllDayYouMay, Blueberry Lemonade - 450g
  • Stock: Ausverkauft
  • Model: P40963
Netto 35,45€


How does this work?AllDayYouMay is formulated to build muscle in various ways, firstly by providing ample amounts of a key branch chained amino acid, leucine which is the main driver for muscle protein synthesis keeping your muscle-building parts of your cells firmly in the ON position!It also contains a metabolite of leucine called HICA, which works to stop muscle breakdown and further enhance recovery and muscle building.What is inside?BCAA at a 10:1:1 ratio – A huge 6000mg blend delivering the perfect ratio ensuring the highest concentration comes in the form of leucine which is the king of all amino acids for triggering insane muscle growth. Amino Acid Blend – The BCAA’s aren’t the only amino acids within the ALLDAYYOUMAY, there are also a stack of essential and conditionally essential amino acids included including the likes of L-Glutamine for its anti-catabolic effects to N-Acetyl Cysteine which has proven to be one of the most powerful liver support ingredients available!Intra Cellular Buffer Blend – The combination of Creatinol O-Phosphate and Beta Alanine work in synergy to buffer that nasty lactic acid build up in the muscles which occurs after a period of time whilst training. COP and Beta Alanine delay this onset of lactic acid allowing for your training intensity to stay higher than ever breaking through any plateau!Joint Support Blend – A potent 600mg blend of 2 of the most effective joint care supplements available on the market today, D-Glucosamine Sulphate and MSM. We all know that when it comes to lifting weights and training at the intensity to take your gains to the next level are joints can often come under pressure which is why it is essential to do all you can to look after them and assist their recovery. D-Glucosamine Sulphate plays an important role in the regeneration of cartilage as well as preventing its breakdown. MSM delivers a source a highly bioavailable sulfur which supports connective tissue repair and regeneration Immune Support – Micro-dried Blueberry Fruit Powder is not often an ingredient you hear about in a sports supplement. However Micro-dried Blueberry Fruit Powder boasts as being one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered! Its ability to fight free radicals is unrivalled and will assist in the prevention of tissue damage in the body. Now Vitamin C is an ingredient you would have heard of, that’s for sure! Reducing muscle damage, Inflammation, lowering cortisol levels and improving bone health are just some of the many advantages Vitamin C has!Hydration – Often overlooked by many weight lifters but hydration levels are critical for recovery including muscle strength and size. ALLDAYYOUMAY includes coconut water concentrate and L-Taurine which will deliver the electrolytes needed to re hydrate and prevent any nasty unwanted muscle cramps!Added N-Acetyl CysteineTo help protect the body against stress N-Acetyl Cysteine is used to quickly restore protective levels of glutathione levels, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant defences. NAC makes liver cells more able to protect themselves from ongoing damage. A healthy liver is critical for the removal of waste and toxins from the body. There is also the addition of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps keep you in the gym and out of the sickbed but is necessary for the growth and development of tissues. Vitamin C is also essential for the repair of cartilage and bones. Here is something even more awesome; Vitamin C supports a lower ratio of cortisol to testosterone. That means more testosterone in your system!AllDayYouMay is so much more than an ordinary amino acids formulation giving you wide-reaching benefits from muscle growth to maintaining health!What are the key benefits of Rich Piana 5% Nutrition All Day You May?10: 1: 1 BCAA RATIO: 6 grams of this amino acid complex to support muscle recovery.With beta-alanine to support nutrient uptakeImprovement of muscle endurance
AllDayYouMay, Blaubeerlimonade - 450g 5 % Nutrition AllDayYouMay, Heidelbeerlimonade - 450 g Nährwertangaben


1 Messlöffel (15 g)

Portionen pro Behälter:

30 Menge Menge Zutaten Pro %RI* Pro 100 g Portion Vitamin C (als Ascorbin 1333,33 mg 200 mg 222 % Säure) Calcium (als Dicalcium 433,33 mg 65 mg 5 % Phosphat) Vitamin B6 (als Pyridixin 13,33 mg 2 mg 118 % Hydrochlorid) Vitamin B12 (als 833,33 g 125 g Cyanocobalamin) 5208 % Phosphor (als 333,33 mg 50 mg 4 % Dicalciumphosphat) BCAA-Mischung 6000 mg (L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin) Bedingt Essentielle Aminosäuremischung 2800 mg (L-Glutamin, L-Carnitin, L-Tartrat, N-Acetyl-L-Cystin) Aminosäure-Unterstützungsmischung 960 mg (L-Taurin, rohes Kokoswasserkonzentrat Aplha-Hydroxyisocapronsäure (Leucinsäure). Bromelain , MicroDried Blueberry Fruit Powder) Intrazelluläre Puffermischung 800 mg (Beta-Alanin, Dicalciumphosphat, Natriumbicarbonat) Gelenkunterstützungsmischung 600 mg (D-Glucosaminsulfat-Kalium, Methyisulfonylmethan (MSM)) Essent ial Aminosäuremischung 205 mg L-Phenylalanin, L-Threonin, L-Lysin HCL, L-Histidin HCI, L-Tryptophan, L-Methionin) Die Tageswerte in Prozent basieren auf einer 2.000-Kalorien-Diät. Ihre Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.


BCAA-Mischung (L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin), bedingt Essentielle Aminosäuremischung (L-Glutamin, L-Carnitin-L-Tartrat, N-Acetyl-L-Cystin), Aminosäure-Unterstützung Biend (L-Säure (Leucinsäure), Bromelain, mikrogetrocknetes Heidelbeerfruchtpulver), intrazellulärer Puffer Biend (Beta-Alanin, Dicalciumphosphat, Natriumbicarbonat), Gelenkunterstützungsmischung (D-Glucosaminsulfat-Kalium, Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM)), Essentielle Aminosäuremischung (L-Phenylalanin, L-Threonin, L-Lysin-HCL, L-Histidin-HCI). , L-Tryptophan, L-Methionin), Vitamin C (als Ascorbinsäure), Calcium (als Dicalciumphosphat), Phosphor (als Dicalciumphosphat), Vitamin B6 (als Pyridixinhydrochlorid), Vitamin B12 (als Cyanocobalamin)

Weitere Inhaltsstoffe:

Zitronensäure, natürliche und künstliche Aromen, Siliziumdioxid, Glucosepolymere, Sucralose, Acesulfam-Kalium, Natriumbicarbonat, FD&C Blue No.1 Cont ains: Baumnüsse.

Empfohlene Verwendung:

Mischen Sie eine Portion ALLDAYYOUMAY mit 12 bis 16 Unzen Wasser und trinken Sie es zwischen den Mahlzeiten, direkt vor dem Training, während des Trainings, und nach dem Training. Die empfohlene Anwendung für dieses Produkt ist, 4 Messlöffel in eine Gallone Wasser zu geben, gut zu mischen und den ganzen Tag über zu trinken.


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