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After, Green Apple - 420g

After, Green Apple - 420g
After, Green Apple - 420g
  • Stock: Ausverkauft
  • Model: P35434
Netto 19,51€


Flavoured post-workout drink powder with amino acids, creatine, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.With 7 different added amino acids.With 4g BCAAs and L-glutamine.With buffered creatine.No preservatives.Aspartame-free.What product to put in the shaker after your workout? During intensive sports and exercise you burn a lot of calories. You should replace the lost energy, otherwise your body will want to reload it by breaking down your muscles, the very muscles you are working hard to build. Dont lose what you have been working on so hard. The replenishment of precious nutrients, minerals and salts you lost during workout is essential to regeneration and muscle growth. But it does matter what you use for this purpose. You will definitely need protein, carbohydrates and many other useful nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You dont want the hassle of mixing it yourself? Wouldnt it be nice only to relax while your muscles are built? Lean back and enjoy your rest! After is a complex, flavoured post-workout formula of BioTechUSA in powder format that contains all the extremely important active ingredients that your body could need after a workout. It contains essential amino acids, sugar and complex carbohydrates with a combined glycemic index as well as buffered creatine monohydrate. The extra ingredients - a lot of vitamins and minerals - help the metabolism of these substances along with the better functioning of the muscles. For example, chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels. The formula contains zinc that plays a role in the normal protein synthesis and healthy carbohydrate metabolism. The active substances also include vitamin C, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 and these three components together reduce fatigue and tiredness, while they also support the normal functioning of the nervous system. Lets see the numbers! Per serving (21 g): 4000 mg BCAA in the ratio of 2:1:15930 mg Glutamine Complex3000 mg creatine5.3 g carbohydrates per serving330 mg Ca-HMBWith 4 different vitamins and 4 mineralsHow, when and to whom? Immediately after power and endurance sports.For muscle retention and faster post-workout recovery if you do martial arts.Why do you need amino acids, including BCAA? Proteins are the most important components of living cells while amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Some amino acids (the non-essential amino acids) even the body can produce, while the essential amino acids you have to take in with your meals. Amino acids and the proteins that these amino acids form are essential to a number of metabolic processes. Amino acids have an important role in the production of hormones, neurotransmitter compounds and enzymes. In addition, they also serve as a source of energy as well as carbohydrate and lipid generating nutrients. Animal-derived foods are the richest sources of essential amino acids, while plant-based foods do not often include all of them. BCAAs, that is, branched chain amino acids are a special category within essential amino acids. Only three amino acids are BCAA: leucine, isoleucine and valine have a very important role in muscle building. That is why it is essential to continuously replenish all three, because your body cannot produce them on its own. Like all BioTechUSA products, After consists of safe and carefully selected ingredients.
Danach, Grüner Apfel - 420g BioTechUSA After, Grüner Apfel - 420 g Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Pulverform, enthält eine Proteinquelle, Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Aminosäuren. Nährwerte


2 gestrichene Messlöffel (21 g)

Portionen pro Behälter:

20 Menge Zutaten Menge Pro %RI* Pro 100 g Portion Energie 404,76 kcal /85 kcal Fett 0 g <0,5 g -von davon Gesättigte 0,0 g 0 g Kohlenhydrate 25,24 g 5,3 g - davon Zucker 0 g <0,5 g Protein 71,43 g 15 g Salz 0,38 g 0,08 g Vitamine, Mineralstoffe: 1,6 Vitamin B12 7,62 mcg mcg Vitamin B6 7,14 mg 1,5 mg Vitamin C 380,95 mg 80 mg Folsäure 585,71 mcg 123 mcg Calcium 761,90 mg 160 mg 74,8 mg Magnesium 356,19 mg mg Zink 15,71 mg 3,3 mg Chrom 95,24 mcg 20 mcg Glutaminkomplex (L-Glutamin, Glutamin 5930-Peptid) BCAA 2:1:1 (L-Leucin, 4000 L-Isoleucin, L-Valin) Kreatin 3000 Ca-HMB 1571,43 mg 330 mg L-Lysin 476,19 mg 100 mg L-Methionin 476,19 mg 100 mg L-Threonin 476,19 mg 100 mg Deine Tageswerte können je nach Kalorienbedarf höher oder niedriger sein.


Glutaminkomplex (L-Glutamin, Glutaminpeptid), BCAA 2:1:1 (L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin) , Kreatin, Ca-HMB, Calcium, L-Threonin, L-Methionin, L-Lysin, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zink, Vitamin B6, Folsäure, Chrom, Vitamin B12

Weitere Inhaltsstoffe :

Maltodextrin, L-Glutamin, gepuffertes Kreatinmonohydrat (mikronisiertes Kreatinmonohydrat, Magnesiumoxid), Glutaminpeptid (enthält Weizen), Instant-L-Leucin (L-Leucin-Emulgator: Lecithine, Maltodextrin), L -Isoleucin, L-Valin, Säuerungsmittel (Citronensäure), Aroma, Ca-HMB, Calciumsalze der Orthophosphorsäure, Calciumcarbonat, Süßungsmittel (Sucralose, Acesulfam K), L-Lysin, L-Methionin, L-Threonin, L- Ascorbinsäure, Salz, Magnesiumoxid, Farbstoffe (Tartrazin, Indigotin), Zinkoxid, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid, Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure, Chrom(III)-chlorid, Cyanocobalamin. Tartrazin: kann Aktivität und Aufmerksamkeit bei Kindern beeinträchtigen. Hergestellt in einem Betrieb, der Milch, Ei, Gluten, Soja, Krebstiere, Schwefeldioxid und Nüsse enthält (Esslöffel) Produkt mit 300 ml Wasser in einer Shaker-Flasche. An Trainingstagen 1 Portion nach dem Training verzehren. An Ruhetagen 1 Portion am Nachmittag verzehren

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