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Test, Fruit Salad - 360g

Test, Fruit Salad - 360g
Test, Fruit Salad - 360g
  • Stock: Išparduota
  • Model: P40316
Be PVM: 28.32€


Warrior Test has been developed to offer an all-in-one hormone support helping boost testosterone, supplementing hormone essential vitamins and controlling estrogen too.Key Benefits;Delicious Flavour profile, never has a Test booster tasted this good!30 Day Supply in each tubMulti-Level Hormone support, clinical doses of each ingredient!D-Aspartic Acid (DAA)D-Aspartic Acid is one form of Aspartic Acid, with the other being L-Aspartate. Primarily it is used as a testosterone booster, and has been shown to be effective in both infertile and fertile men, providing a testosterone boost of 30-60% alone.Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)Maca has been used for centuries as a libido enhancer and aphrodisiac, and has notable study evidence showing its effects at influencing and improving libido.GlycineGlycine has promising data showing its influence on GH (Growth Hormone) release. It has been shown to play an important role in the control of hypothalamic-pituitary function.Horny Goat Weed (10% Icariin)Horny Goat Weed contains an active ingredient known as Icariin, this is a known PDE5 inhibitor, PDE5 inhibitors work by enabling the successful transmission of nitric oxide, and blood flow to any regions that require it.Diidolymethane (DIM)DIM provides you with a beneficial extract which is found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage, which has been shown to exhibit protective and anti-estrogenic effects making it a nice part of this formula.Shilajit Extract 60% Fulvic Acid (Asphaltum punjabianum)Shilajit is a potent and very powerful ayurvedic ingredient, which contains an active ingredient called Fulvic Acid, which has a whole host of benefits for the human body. It shows promise in improving;Low Testosterone LevelsAlleviation of Chronic FatigueSlowed Aging processReduced InfertilityImproved heart healthZinc MonomethionineZinc Monomethionine, is Zinc paired with Methionine, which makes it the most absorbable form of Zinc due to methionine being easiest absorbed by the body.Magnesium OxideMagnesium Oxide is a key mineral, involved in a host of bodily processes, most notably it has key effects on mood and the central nervous system also.Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 is well noted for its brain health enhancing qualities as it crosses the blood-brain barrier, making other ingredients more effective as a result.Vitamin D3The Sunshine vitamin itself, including at a key whopping dose of 5000IU, has been shown to help with Testosterone synthesis along with, improving mood and warding off depression too meaning despite Britains distinct lack of sunshine Warrior Test can give you all the benefit of this essential Vitamin at its most efficacious and large dose.
Warrior Test, Blue Raspberry - 360g

Nutrition Facts

1 Scoop (12g)

Servings per container:

30 Amount Amount Ingredients Per 100g Per %RI* Serving D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) 26000 mg 3120 mg Maca Root (Lepidium 1000 Meyenii) Glycine 25000 mg 3000 mg Horny Goat Weed (10% 1666.67 mg 200 mg Icariin) Diidolymethane (DIM) 1666.67 mg 200 mg Shilajit Extract 60% Fulivc Acid (Asphaltum 1041.67 mg 125 mg punjabianum) Zinc Monomethionine 208.33 mg 25 mg Magnesium Oxide 3333.33 mg 400 mg Vitamin B6 208.33 mg 25 mg Vitamin D3 1041.67 g 125 g *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


D-Aspartic Acid (DAA), Glycine, Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii), Magnesium Oxide, Horny Goat Weed (10% Icariin), Diidolymethane (DIM), Shilajit Extract 60% Fulivc Acid (Asphaltum punjabianum), Zinc Monomethionine, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3

Other ingredients:

Maltodextrin, Colour (Brilliant Blue), Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame-K), Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Flavourings.

Recommended use:

As a dietary supplement take 1 scoop mixed with 300-400ml Water, take either in morning or before bed, can be stacked with Warrior Sleep before bed for maximum results.


Warrior Test is intended for use by healthy adults, over the age of 18. Use as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Consult your physician prior to use if you are taking medication including, but not limited to: MAO inhibitors, anti-depressants, aspirin, non-sterodial anti-inflammatory drugs or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoepherdine, phenylethylamine or other stimulants. Consult your physician prior to use if you have any existing medical condition inculding but limited to heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate or glucoma. Immediately discontinue use if you experience dizziness, severe headaches, rapid heartbeat or shortness of breath.

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