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Animal Immune Pak, Packs - 30 packs

Animal Immune Pak, Packs - 30 packs
Animal Immune Pak, Packs - 30 packs
  • Stock: Išparduota
  • Model: P38789
Be PVM: 34.44€


No supplement will cure or prevent disease. But keeping your immune system strong, can help protect you. In these unprecedented times, Animal quickly gathered the strongest immune support materials and put together a potent immune product, called Animal Immune Pak.Youve worked hard to make your body lean, fit, and strong. But even the most formidable fortress needs defense-every single day. It helps to get enough shut-eye, and quality rest to recover from the last training session. Put too much stress on any system, and itll start showing cracks-and stress builds up over time. Think of your immune system as the first line of defense and help support and protect it.The True Original since 1983, the Animal Pak was developed to cover the wide backs of the hardest and heaviest trainers on the planet Earth. And now, in additional to the Ultimate Training Pack we have developed the Ultimate Immune Pack to cover the backs of anyone looking to boost their immune system.With Animal Immune Pak, you get plenty of everything you need. And a few extras. In every pack, you get a potent dose of vitamin C and vitamin D, plus the immune-support minerals calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Add to that the right amounts of natural immune support plant and herb ingredients and you get a Complete Immune Support Complex designed to boost your bodys first line of defense.
Universal Nutrition Animal Immune Pak, Orange Mango - 327g

1 heaping Scoop (10.9g)

Servings per container:

30 Amount Amount Ingredients Per 100g Per %RI* Serving 1000 1111% acid) mg Vitamin D (as 688.07 ug 75g 375% cholecalciferol) Zinc 229.36 mg 25 mg 227% Immune Support Complex 7850 mg (L-Glutamine 5000 mg, N-Acetyl-Cysteine 600 mg, Olive Leaf Extract 500 mg, Astragalus Root 500 mg. Ashwagandha Extract (whole plant) 500 mg, Quercetin 300 mg,Ginger Root 250 mg,Grape seed Extract 200 mg) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily ralues may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.


immune Support Complex (L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl- Cysteine, Olive Leaf Extract, Astragalus Root, Ashwagandha Extract (whole plant), Quercetin, Ginger Root, Grape seed Extract), Vitamin C (as ascrobic acid), Zinc, Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)

Other ingredients:

Natural & artificial flavors. natural flavor, citric acid. calcium silicate. sucralose. acesulfame potassium, zinc oxide. FD&c Yellow $5, FD&C Yellow #6.Made in a GMP facility on equipment that processes milk, soy, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish and wheat.

Recommended use:

Take one heaping scoop along with 8 - 10 oz. of your beverage of choice with any meal during the day. As a core or foundational supplement, use Animal Immune daily--on both training and non-training days. No need to cycle" it.


Not intended for use by those under the age of 18. Do not exceed recommended dose. Before using this product=, seek advice from a medical doctor if you are unaware of your current health condition or planning any medical procedure. Exercise good judgement and keep this out of reach of children. To keep it as fresh as possible, store this product in a cool, dry place, away from heat, moisture and sunlight.

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