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NitroBolon Platinum - 120 caps

NitroBolon Platinum - 120 caps
NitroBolon Platinum - 120 caps
  • Stock: Ausverkauft
  • Model: P43343
Netto 19,46€


DESCRIPTION NITROBOLON PLATINUMNITROBOLON PLATINUM is a dietary supplement.NITROBOLON PLATINUM is a professional product containing a combination of L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate with beta-alanine and creatine ethyl ester as well as citrulline malate, L-tyrosine, taurine and L-norvaline, with the addition of bitter orange extract.NITROBOLON PLATINUM - a proven pre-workout in a new, advanced versionNITROBOLON PLATINUM is the maximum stimulation of exercise energyThe axis of a good pre-workout should always be ingredients that will significantly improve the energy of intense efforts. During maximum efforts, energy pathways based on creatine and anaerobic glycolysis of muscle glycogen dominate. In NITROBOLON PLATINUM you will find a portion of creatine in the form of ethyl ester (EEC), which guarantees creatine resistance to acidity in the digestive system and high muscle absorption.Creatine plays a leading role during the first 3-5 seconds of high-power exercise. However, maximum efforts last a little longer and the body, after depleting energy based on creatine, switches to another source of energy, which is muscle glycogen. However, this energy pathway also has its limitations, which are muscle acidification measured by the concentration of hydrogen ions. It is this acidification that makes us unable to finish the series with a submaximal load or we totally lose our strength at the climax of the fight in the boxing ring. NITROBOLON PLATINUM contains beta-alanine, which reduces muscle acidification which is the main cause of fatigue and muscle fall during intense exercise. The tickling of the skin accompanying NITROBOLON PLATINUM supplementation is just a natural proof of the presence of beta-alanine.A good pre-training session must also include ingredients that guarantee the effect of a muscle pump. NITROBOLON PLATINUM provides a strong and prolonged feeling of the muscle pump, which is the best basis for maximum exercise energy.NITROBOLON PLATINUM is a long-lasting muscle pumpDuring intense efforts, working muscles need a large amount of blood, which, flowing to them, provides them with the necessary oxygen, nutrients, energy and anti-catabolic substances. Increased blood flow to the muscles is known as the muscle pump effect. The muscle pump also ensures a quick removal of the byproducts of exercise metabolism, the accumulation of which interrupts exercise. This effect, desired during and after training, is the result of the increased production of nitric oxide (NO) by the walls of blood vessels from the amino acid arginine. NITROBOLON PLATINUM contains arginine in the form of stable alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG).The training pump ensures training at the highest level, but also improves the processes of post-training regeneration. In the case of many pre-workout products, it is often the case that the feeling of muscle congestion disappears after the first few training series. NITROBOLON PLATINUM provides a long-lasting muscle pump, because in addition to arginine, it also contains citrulline and norvaline. Citrulline can be converted into arginine, so we do not have to worry about the lack of the main substrate for NO synthesis. Norvaline, in turn, increases the amount of arginine that the body allocates to the production of NO, because it deactivates the arginase enzyme, which engages this amino acid in the urea cycle.The last element of the pre-workout is the stimulating complex. NITROBOLON PLATINUM can boast of an innovative combination of ingredients showing such an effect.After all, Nitrobolon Platinum is also a training euphoriaA good-quality pre-workout must also contain a complex of ingredients that guarantee stimulation. Nobody can handle hard training by yawning. In NITROBOLON PLATINUM you will find a portion of taurine, tyrosine and synephrine, which will stimulate exercise hormones (adrenaline, thyroxine) necessary to maximize exercise energy processes. Taurine is an amino acid with a general stimulating effect, preventing fatigue, and increasing concentration. Tyrosine is essential for the production of exercise hormones. Synephrine, found in the extract of bitter orange, is a substance similar to adrenaline in terms of structure and action.Thanks to the stimulating complex contained in NITROBOLON PLATINUM, we do not have to worry that we will not be able to fully implement the training assumptions. The synephrine present in this supplement will additionally improve the processes of exercise thermoregulation, without which we are not able to increase the training intensity.

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